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Study in China

China is a country in East Asia bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, and the South China Sea. Neighbouring countries include 14 sovereign states. The terrain is diverse in China with mostly mountains along with deserts in the west and plains in the east. Principal rivers flow west to east including the Yangtze and Huang He rivers. The government system is a communist state; the chief of state is the president, and the head of government is the premier. China has a market-based system, changed from a centrally planned system in the 1970s. China is a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA).

The People’s Republic of China, abbreviated as China, is situated in the east of Asia faces the Pacific Ocean in the sea,  and borders on 14 countries, North Korea, Russia, Mongolia Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kajikistan, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Vietnam, Laos, and Burma.

Capital                  : Beijing
Official language  : Mandarin
Currency              : Renminbi (CNY)
Population            : 1.393 billion estimated

Why Study in China?

Study abroad in China provides opportunities for international students to view things from Chinese perspective. Merging the knowledge of both China and their home countries will give students an advantage to explore potential opportunities in China for the future. China has become one of the most popular study abroad destinations for international students because of its long history and exciting culture.

Both living costs and school fees are comparatively inexpensive, especially by comparison with United States and other western countries. International students can both study and save money to study in China. There are scholarships from the government, universities, foundations, and corporations designed to support international students from different academic disciplines.

International students can receive education with medium of instruction in English. English taught program is a good option for international students who want to study in degree program in China, but do not want to spend two extra years in Chinese language program.

Six Reasons to Study Abroad in China:

  • Affordable tuition and scholarships
  • Learn from China’s development
  • Enhance your global experience
  • Improve your career prospects
  • Learn Chinese language
  • Discover Chinese culture

What are the Documents required?

  1. Valid Passport
  2. Photographs
  3. Academic Certificate and Transcript


  1. Resume
  2. Language Proficiency (IELTS/ TOEFEL/ Others)
  3. Personal Statement
  4. Motivation Letter
  5. Research
  6. Proposal

P.S. This document checklist may vary on the requirement of different Universities.

Application Process Flow


CVICS counsellors are well trained and certified to provide all necessary information regarding Colleges and Universities. Our Expert Counsellor will recommend you the best place to abroad & best course & Institution according to your Profile.


Our counsellor will provide an application form to fill up your details for our reference & will give you a check list to provide us complete documents to process further.

Documents Submission:

After Submit all the required documents our professional team will send it for assessment, and we will update you time to time.


Once the assessment completed our team will contact you to inform you regarding your application status and we will conduct an appointment for interview (if required by our associate).

Interview (Depending on our associate):

On the date and time (booked earlier) of appointment our associate will call you for interview. After interview we will proceed to next step.

Offer Letter:

Once Offer letter issued, applicant must follow the instruction given by institution and CVICS processing policy.

Fee Payment (Depending on our associate & Consulate):

After offer letter received applicant must pay the required fee and to be prepared to meet the Consulate of Foreign Mission.

Preparation for visa Submission:

CVICS shall provide each prospective students a list of documents required to maximize visa approvals. Our expert will verify the documents before sending them for the final application.

Flight Confirmation:

Once applicant successfully received their Passport with visa from Consulate our team will procced to next step to confirm flight ticket.

Pre-Departure Seminar:

CVICS is a team formed by professionals who gained valuable experiences studying abroad. So, we know what students will require when going away from the comfort their homes. Detailed briefing on language and culture differences can minimize the shock factor for the students.

Universities We Represent

  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • Fudan University
  • Nanjing University
  • Sun Yat-Sen University
  • Harbin Institute of Technology
  • Wuhan University
  • Xiamen University
  • Tianjin University
  • Nanjing Medical University
  • Beijing Jiaotong University
  • Communication University of China
  • Hohai University
  • Shanghai University of Finance & Economics
  • Yangzhou University
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